I didn't want to show you this dress, because just looking at it makes my blood pressure rise. The sewing, simplicity itself. The fit, excruciating. Without question, this is the most unpicked and resewn item of clothing in my entire wardrobe. Even now I can see I shaved too much off the bust apex causing a ripple through the upper chest. it's too late, I am too over it. If my son was still having afternoon sleeps, if I wasn't sewing with the very last vestiges of energy late at night, yeah, I could have made this work.
I have a hard time with retro patterns, the line between retro chic and retro chit gets narrower with every passing year. I just feel, well, a little ridiculous in this dress, despite my attempts to modernise it and make it lifestyle friendly in a cuddly chambray.
The dress has this little pleat on the bodice where the princess seams join, and little bows on the top. The skirt is a tulip skirt, and the pleats are supported by netting. The secret to this dress is excellent fit, so that the pleat on the bodice falls off the apex correctly. I failed.

So yes, now I can answer Sherry's first question in the game of tag.
1 What retro pattern are you thinking about?Vogue 199. Baaaaaaaaad thoughts. I have nicknamed this dress the "gay Paree" dress because it is a Vogue couturerie design. I bought the belt from Vanilla Ink (designer dress store in Auckland - nice clothes, high prices) - it was 75% off. The shop assistant said to me, "it's pure leather, excellent quality, I just can't understand why it hasn't sold." Well, you don't have to be a freudian analyst to work it out. It appealed to my sense of humour though and I can't believe such a conservative shop did not notice what they were selling. It's a little annoying though, because when you have it on the tightest setting it's a little, shall we say, flaccid.

So unless I run out of time for the competition, I will not be submitting this dress. That's OK, I totally accept that not all sewing journeys take you to paradise.
2) One place I want to visit?Actually Paris. You see I have this PERFECT dress for it.
3) How do I relax?With a glass of wine.
4) What is your favourite holiday?Many favourites, can't choose.
5) One sewing skill I'd like to try?
I'd really love to learn industrial sewing for that perfect finish.
6) Can you knit, crochet, any other crafting talents?Knit, yes, crochet, yes, quilt, yes, cook, yes, bake, yes, garden NO NO NO.
7) What garment do you wear the most.Pass. I wear all my clothes, all the time. I am one of those people who opens their wardrobe and says, "what haven't I worn for a while?" and if I can't make it work, I move it on to a charity shop pronto.
8) How much time do you spend reading blogs?More now that I have less time. If you can't create much yourself, it's nice to share other's journeys.
9) Your motto, mantra?It ain't over till it's over.
Now if you would like to play along, pick up this tag and run with it. And if you haven't visited
Sherry's blog, then you are missing a treat. Not only is she a professional with beautiful photographs, she sews Burda.